What do the NHS Total Rewards have in store for you?

Before diving straight into your query, it is quite imperative to know what total rewards mean. When you step onto the threshold of the professional world, you have to come face-to-face with how an organization handles its employee-related costs. This is inclusive of things like bonuses, perks, salaries, allowances, pension benefits, and various other intangible benefits. And usually, this tells a lot about how an organization or a company treats or rather respects its employees! Now, without further ado, let us move ahead and know all about the NHS total rewards and how you can benefit from them. 

If you are new to the professional world or a new employee at NHS, do not fret for you will be provided with all the details that are vital for you! First things first, once you become an employee at NHS, you can navigate your total rewards from their TRS website by logging in.

Once you get access to your total rewards at NHS, this is what you are liable to find:

Financial Summary: 

The total rewards that you will access will commence with your personal details. Not only this, you can easily have a look at your financial summary! In this, you will be given information on how your total salary will be split based on the previous tax year. 

Employer Pension:

The reason you might feel that your total income is not what you were expecting and is higher than your estimation, is because your employer pension contributions are also added here.

Annual Benefits:

When going through this, you must check all your details thoroughly. One of the first things to glance through is that your date of joining and pay are mentioned accurately. Besides this, make sure to check the ‘updated to’ section, i.e, which year pension scheme you are prone to getting. 

Standard Benefits:

In this section, you will be informed all about your pension and what amount you will be getting when you retire at the normal pension age. Moreover, you will also be informed what benefits will be accompanying your pension.

Pension Amount:

This section will update you on the pension amount that you will be liable to acquire, annually.

Lump Sum:

As the term itself suggests, this is the amount that you will be given the benefit of extracting as one lump sum when you reach your retirement age. In the box below this information, you will be provided information on the maximum amount that you can take as a lump sum. 

It will also tell you what effect this lump sum amount will cause on your total income. While you are working at the organization, you will be given various schemes so that you can easily increase the maximum amount that you can take as a lump sum. However, you must bear in mind that there’s no tax-free lump sum.

Adult Dependent Pension:

This section provides information on the amount that your spouse or a dependent can avail themselves of if you, God forbid, were to die a sudden death. The only criterion is that the member or employee must be contributing regularly to this fund so that his dear ones can acquire such benefits at dire times. The figure provided in this section is an estimate only and the real amount depends on a lot of other factors.

Children’s Pension:

In the circumstances same as above, children can avail themselves of the children’s pension provided by the NHS up to their 23rd birthday. Again, the figure mentioned here is a mere estimation and not the solid amount that you would get in such a situation.

Reckonable Membership:

You must be aware of this section as this is the time that the organization you are working at will take notice of when providing your pension 

Death Benefits:

Here, you will be informed about all the benefits that the loved ones who are dependent on you will get in the unfortunate event of your death. If there are no nominations as such, then the pension will automatically go to a spouse or a civil partner. 

If there is no one to give the pension to, then the lump sum will be given to your estate or will be shared according to your will. In the next section, the death benefit nomination, the name of the person that you have nominated to receive these benefits at the time of your death will be mentioned.

Pensionable Earning:

This is the final section that you must put your attentive eyes on. In this section, you will be informed how much you have saved for your pension benefits every year. You must make sure to figure out the actual amount as the figure will not be directly mentioned but will be put up in percentages.


By now, you must be aware that even though there is some exploitation of employees in the professional world, employers are bound to provide the employees with various benefits and perks. As a novice, instead of succumbing to your fears, you must be fully aware of what to look for in the total rewards statement that your organization provides. When it comes to the benefit of your pension, you must be quite sure about how much you can save so that you can easily estimate the amount you will receive once you reach your retirement age. Moreover, if you come across any doubts in your total rewards statement, be sure to clear them out with your employer!

What can I expect in my total rewards statement?

In your total rewards statement, you will be provided information regarding your salary, perks, allowances, and other intangible benefits.

Will my pension be mentioned in my total rewards statement?

Yes, but it will be an estimation.

Who will the pension go to at the time of my death?

To your spouse, children, or it will be split according to your will.