However, the business side of things sometimes leads to interesting bits of news, as is the case with THQ Nordic’s recently released quarterly earnings report. If you want to go blind reading about adjusted EBIDTA and cash flow from the company’s operating activities, feel free to be your bad masochistic self over here.

Otherwise, read on for the interesting stuff. 

While most of the info isn’t directly relevant to gamers, there was an exciting tidbit tucked away in the legalese:

Yup, another Saints Row game is well underway, and gamers can expect bigger news with more specifics in the near future.

If that wasn’t enough, the report also revealed that Deep Silver nabbed the TimeSplitters IP and is planning something on that front, although details are very scant.

With the new Saints Row title in the works, we’ve got to wonder: how on Earth (or Hell) can the franchise continue to one-up itself with each iteration?

If you aren’t familiar with Saints Row, the first two games in the series leaned heavily on its GTA-styled influences. However, later entries took GTA’s extravagance, doubled down on it, and turned it up to 13, featuring hyper-advanced aircraft, sex toy weapons, and a very naked giant.

As expected in the hierarchy of craziness, things got truly nuts in Saints Row IV, which takes place both in outer space and in a Matrix-like version of the Earth, where your crew has superpowers.

That game and quasi-DLC follow-up, Gat Out Of Hell, took place exactly where the title would indicate, bringing with it the absurd magic powers from the previous entry. It was also notable for bringing a Satanic musical out of absolutely nowhere in a truly bizarre cut scene.

Unfortunately, there’s no news yet on a title a specific release date for the new entry. However, considering it seems that the game has been in development for some time, it’s possible an official reveal isn’t far off. 

Where do you want to see the next game take place, and how do you hope the gameplay will develop? Sound off in the comments below!