The most complex and hardest to discover are the 4-Star interactions. These sometimes take several steps in order to unlock and are often found later in the game as you progress.
For this New Pokemon Snap guide, we will discuss how to unlock these 4-Star interactions with every Pokémon. This is the second part of this guide, check out our guide on 4-Star interactions for Pokemon on Florio or Belusylva for those areas.
New Pokemon Snap: All Pokémon’s 4-Star Interaction
4-Star Interactions List
#080 - Wingull - Reef (Day) - At the start of the course, throw Fluffruit by the swimming Finneon to lure a Wingull to them. When the Wingull grabs a Finneon in its mouth, capture it. #081 - Exeggutor - Beach (Night) - Lure the first Crabrawler you see as close to a sleeping Exeggutor as possible using Fluffruit. Capture it chasing the Crabrawler. #082 - Crabrawler - Beach (Night) - Lure the first Crabrawler you see as close to a sleeping Exeggutor as possible using Fluffruit. Capture it being chased by the Exeggutor. #083 - Drifblim - Reef (Evening) - After you pass the Wailord, throw multiple Illumina Orbs at the floating Drifblim to your right. Capture them overinflating. #084 - Zangoose - Beach (Night) - Hit the Primarina in the distance with an Illumina Orb to trigger Zangoose to move up the beach. Hit the Seviper in the bush on the right with a Fluffruit. When the two begin to fight, capture Zangoose when it takes a swing. #085 - Seviper - Beach (Night) - Hit the Primarina in the distance with an Illumina Orb to trigger Zangoose to move up the beach. Hit the Seviper in the bush on the right with a Fluffruit. When the two begin to fight, capture Seviper when it takes a swing. #086 - Bellossom - Beach (Day) - Hit the first Crystabloom with an Illumina Orb to gather the Bellossom. Play music to get them to dance. Capture this. #087 - Inkay - Beach (Night) - After leaving the starting area, you’ll see Inkay swimming to your right. Feed it a Fluffruit. You’ll see it again to the left after the Corsola. Feed it again. Now, at the end of the stage, play music to get the Inkay to swim off. Capture them jumping out of the water. #088 - Pyukumuku - Reef (Day) - Near the end of the course, take the alternate path to the right that takes you by the Pelipper. Throw an Illumina Orb at one with a Pyukumuku in its mouth. Capture it waving. #089 - Machamp - Beach (Day) - Throw Illumina Orbs at Machamp. Capture it flexing. #090 - Stunfisk - Beach (Day) - After the starting area, take the alternate to the left. Scan by the Octillery to reveal a Stunfisk. Hit it with a Fluffruit. Capture its electrical attack. #091 - Octillery - Beach (Night) - Halfway through the course, you’ll see a Seviper attacking an Octillery. Throw an Illumina Orb at the Crystabloom behind it. Capture it inking the Seviper. #092 - Corsola - Beach (Day) - Halfway through the course, you’ll see a Corsola by a Crystabloom. Use an Illumina Orb on the Crystabloom. Capture Corsola’s reaction. #093 - Finneon - Beach (Night) - At the end of the course, hit the group of Finneon with an Illumina Orb and then play music. Capture them jumping out of the water. #094 - Clamperl - Undersea - Take the alternate route to the left to get to the seafloor and lead a Lumineon to a Clamperl under the sand with Fluffruit. Capture Clamperl swimming. #095 - Primarina - Beach (Night) - At the start of the course you’ll see a Primarina on a rock ahead of you in the water. Hit it with an Illumina Orb. Capture it performing its concert at the end of the course. #096 - Raichu - Reef (Evening) - Before the Wailord, a Raichu will be to your left. It will do a backflip as it turns and faces you. Capture this. #097 - Sandygast - Beach (Night) - Lure a Crabrawler to the Sandygast hiding in the sand using Fluffruit. Wait for Crabrawler to throw sand at Sandygast. Capture it growing. #098 - Sharpedo - Reef (Day) - After Wailord, when Machamp and Sharpedo are racing, hit Sharpedo with an Illumina Orb. Capture it jumping out of the water to celebrate. #099 - Squirtle - Reef (Evening) - Hit the Squirtle by the whirlpool using Bubble with a Fluffruit. A Wingull will knock it into the whirlpool. Capture this. #100 - Blastoise - Reef (Evening) - Hit the Squirtle by the whirlpool using Bubble with a Fluffruit. A Wingull will knock it into the whirlpool. Illumina Orb the center of the whirlpool to have Blastoise save Squirtle and fly around. Capture this. #101 - Lapras - Reef (Evening) - Near the end of the course, take the alternate route to the right by the Lapras. Throw an Illumina Orb at the young Lapras and the closest adult. Play music after they come together. Capture them singing. #102 - Mantine - Reef (Day) - Throw an Illumina Orb at the Crystabloom to the left of the whirlpool. Capture the glowing Mantine flying through the air. #103 - Pelipper - Reef (Day) - To the left of the Wailord, throw Fluffruit to the Pelipper. Capture it scooping up the Fluffruit. #104 - Wailord - Reef (Day) - Throw an Illumina Orb at the Wailord and when it opens its mouth, toss a Fluffruit in. Capture it rolling around. #105 - Mareanie - Reef (Evening) - At the end of the course, toss Fluffruit behind the Clamperl on the rock to get a Mareanie to jump up. Capture it jumping on a Clamperl. #106 - Vaporeon - Reef (Evening) - Throw an Illumina Orb at the swimming Vaporeon and then Illumina Orb the Crystabloom to your right by the Sharpedo. Play music towards the end of the course where the deep water is to have Vaporeon jump out of the water. Capture this. #107 - Manaphy - Reef (Evening) - Near the end of the course, take the alternate route to the right by the Lapras. Throw an Illumina Orb at the young Lapras and the closest adult. Play music after they come together. Manaphy will appear. Hit it with an Illumina Orb and play music. Capture it jumping. #108 - Luvdisc - Undersea - On the default route where the Tentacool can be found moving up the tube, hit the Crystablooms with Illumina Orbs. Play music when they’re around the flower. Capture the Luvdisc’s reaction. #109 - Alomola - Undersea - At the start of the course, hit the Alomola with a couple of Illumina Orbs and play music. Capture it blowing bubbles at a Finneon. #110 - Wailmer - Reef (Evening) - After the race between Machamp and Sharpedo, a Wailmer will appear. Hit it with an Illumina Orb. Capture it spraying water. #111 - Cradily - Undersea - Following the default path, by the seaweed, hit the sleeping Cradily with a Fluffruit to wake it up. Then hit it with an Illumina Orb and play music. Capture it dancing. #112 - Lumineon - Undersea - When you see a Lumineon and two Finneon confronted by a Sharpedo, throw an Illumina Orb at the Crystabloom by them. Capture Lumineon spinning. #113 - Qwilfish - Undersea - Hit the Clawitzer before the Qwilfish cavern with an Illumina Orb. Throw an Illumina Orb at the Qwilfish that the Clawitzer stops by. Capture it shooting spikes. #114 - Clawitzer - Undersea - Hit the Clawitzer before the Qwilfish cavern with an Illumina Orb. Throw an Illumina Orb at the Clawitzer when it stops in front of a Qwilfish. Do this four times as it moves to each Qwilfish. Capture it celebrating. #115 - Tentacruel - Undersea - After taking the alternate route to your left, throw an Illumina Orb at the Crystabloom when the Finneon are near. Hit the Tentacruel on your right with an Illumina Orb as well. If you hit the right one, you’ll see it by the ruins with a Frillish. Hit the Crystabloom by them and play music. Capture them dancing. #116 - Chinchou - Undersea - After taking the alternate route to your left, look for the Chinchou near the bottom on your left and hit it with an Illumina Orb. It will leave with the other Chinchou. Capture them by a Crystabloom down a path on your left. #117 - Lanturn - Undersea - After taking the alternate route to your left, hit the Lanturn as you make your way down with an Illumina Orb. After the Wailord passes, you’ll see two Frillish holding the Lanturn. Hit it with another Illumina Orb. Capture the Lanturn while it’s using its light to escape. #118 - Starmie - Undersea - Where you can use the Lumineon to bring out a Clamperl, look for the pink Starmie gem in the sand and lure a Lumineon to it with Fluffruit. Hit the Starmie with an Illumina Orb. Hit the Crystabloom by the ruins with an Illumina Orb to summon the Starmie, then hit it again when it’s near. Capture its reaction. #119 - Frillish - Undersea - After taking the alternate route to your left, hit the Lanturn as you make your way down with an Illumina Orb. After the Wailord passes, you’ll see two Frillish holding the Lanturn. Capture the Frillish. #120 - Golisopod - Undersea - After taking the alternate route, get to the ruins. Hit the Clawitzer with an Illumina Orb before it attacks the Golisopod. Capture the two Golisopod fighting. #121 - Lugia - Undersea Post Credits - After taking the alternate route to your left, hit the Lanturn as you make your way down with an Illumina Orb. After the Wailord passes, you’ll see two Frillish holding the Lanturn. Hit it with another Illumina Orb. Follow Lanturn through a newly-unlocked alternate route. Hit both Crystablooms by Lugia with Illumina Orbs. Hit Lugia with multiple Fluffruit. Capture it roaring. #122 - Wishiwashi - Maricopia Illumina Spot - Illumina Orb the Wishiwashi to summon the School Form. Keep hitting the School Form with Illumina Orbs until it summons a Twister. Capture this. #123 - Skorupi - Sands (Day) - At the start of the course, you’ll see two Skorupi by the trio of Crystablooms. Hit them with an Illumina Orb. Capture them standing on their tail. #124 - Cacnea - Sands (Day) - At the start of the course, you’ll see a tornado making its way across the sand. Wait for it to hit an unsuspecting Cacnea and capture it flying in the air. #125 - Sandshrew - Sands (Night) - At the start of the course, hit the rolling Sandshrew with a Fluffruit. Capture it landing. #126 - Trapinch - Sands (Day) - At the start of the course, hit the three Crystablooms with Illumina Orbs. Throw Fluffruit underneath Flygon to get it to take one. Flygon will drop the Fluffruit for the Trapinch at the end of the course to eat. Capture the Trapinch celebrating post-meal. #127 - Flygon - Sands (Day) - At the start of the course, hit the three Crystablooms with Illumina Orbs. Throw Fluffruit underneath Flygon to get it to take one. Capture this. #128 - Kangaskhan - Sands (Night) - At the start of the course, wait for the Minior to hit the Skorupi. Use an Illumina Orb to get the Minior out of the sand. Take the left side of the splitting path. Throw several Fluffruit to the Kangaskhan while playing music. Capture it giving a Fluffruit to it baby. #129 - Mandibuzz - Sands (Day) - Take the alternate path to the right, and throw Fluffruit by the coconuts on the ground. Capture Mandibuzz grabbing one. #130 - Minior - Sands (Night) - Take the alternate path to the right and wait for the Minior to crash to the ground. Capture any of them floating into the air covered in sparkles. #131 - Silicobra - Sands (Night) - At the start of the course, wake up the sleeping Silicobra with a Fulffruit. Then hit the one hiding in the sand on the left and take the left route. Hit the next Silicobra hiding in the sand with a Fluffruit up on the left. Capture it blasting Lycanroc with sand. #132 - Torchic - Sands (Day) - Hit the Torchic with an Illumina Orb and then toss it a Fluffruit. Capture it using Flamethrower. #133 - Heliolisk - Sands (Day) - Take the left path at the split, and throw Fluffruit into the oasis to make Magikarp jump. Capture Heliolisk running across the water. #134 - Lycanroc - Sands (Day) - Take the path to the right and use your scan to trigger the Lycanroc on the ridge. When it stops by the Crystabloom scan again. Capture it howling at the end of the ridge. #135 - Hippowdon - Sands (Day) - Hit the Hippowdon in the oasis with an Illumina Orb. Torchic will start jumping—hit it with an Illumina Orb. Capture it with Torchic on its back. #136 - Tyranitar - Sands (Day) - Take the right path and wait for Lycanroc to fight with Tyranitar. Afterward, hit it with an Illumina Orb while it’s facing the rock. Capture it smashing the rock. #137 - Onix - Sands (Day) - Take the right path and fall into the Onix area. Immediately hit the three resting Mandibuzz around you with Fluffruit. An Onix will jump in the air at them while they fly around. Capture this. #138 - Altaria - Volcano - At the start of the course, throw a Fluffruit sleeping at the far end of the pond to scare them off. Then throw a Fluffruit in the raised pond in the center of the pond. Capture the Altaria running from the steam. #139 - Shinx - Volcano - Lead the Shinx at the start of the course to the Luxray sitting further down the path using Fluffruit. Capture its reaction. #140 - Luxray - Volcano - When entering the cave, take the path to the left and Illumina Orb the Luxray there. Capture its eyes glowing. #141 - Talonflame - Volcano - In the second area where the Tyrantrum fight, throw some Fluffruit down on the ground in front of the resting Talonflame up on the pillar. Capture it grabbing one. #142 - Monferno - Volcano - In the second area where the Tyrantrum fight, you’ll see a Monferno on a shorter rock to your right. Capture it scratching its butt. #143 - Aerodactyle - Volcano - After entering the cave area, take the alternate path on the right. At the end of the course, hit the Typhlosion with Fluffruit to scare them off. Throw Fluffruit down in the center of the area and wait for Aerodactyl to land and eat some. Capture this. #144 - Tyrantrum - Volcano - After entering the cave area, take the left path and throw Illumina Orbs at both the Monferno and the Tyrantrum. After Monferno wakes it, it will charge at the wall and crash. Capture this. #145 - Graveler - Volcano - Knock down a Graveler where there’s room for it to move around and throw it Fluffruit so it eats. Capture it eating with its smaller, bottom set of hands. #146 - Archeops - Volcano - In the second area where the Tyrantrum fight, throw Fluffruit at the Archeops. Capture it eating. #147 - Slugma - Volcano - In the lava room, knock down the Slugma hanging above the Tyrantrum with a Fluffruit. Throw an Illumina Orb at it when it surfaces from the lava. Capture this. #148 - Torkoal - Volcano - In the lava room, there’s a Torkoal being harassed by a Monferno. Hit it with an Illumina Orb. Capture it on its hind legs. #149 - Charmander - Volcano - In the second area where the Tyrantrum fight, you’ll see a Charmander cornered by an Archeops up on the mountain to your right. Hit it with an Illumina Orb. Capture it scaring off the Archeops. #150 - Charizard - Volcano - After entering the cave area, take the right path and look for a pit on your right. Throw Illumina Orbs at the two Charmander here and wait for them to get down on all fours. Then hit the Graveler above you with a Fluffruit. Capture Charizard emerging from the center. #151 - Typhlosion - Volcano - At the start of the course, throw a Fluffruit at the Typhlosion up above you. In the next area, Aerodactyl will stop at the cliff immediately to your left where you’ll see the Typhlosion. Hit the Typhlosion with an Illumina Orb. Capture it attacking. #152 - Flareon - Volcano - In the blue lava room, throw the Flareon Fluffruit until it uses flames on them. Capture this. #153 - Ho-Oh - Volcano Post Credits - Photograph Ho-Oh in the sky in the first or second area. Take the alternate route to the right, to the blue lava room. Throw an Illumina Orb at the three Rainbow Feathers that appear: on the wall through the first tunnel after choosing the alternate route, underneath the sleeping Torkoal, and by the center of the room. As soon as it drops into the final room, hit it with several Illumina Orbs. Capture it making a Sonic Boom. #154 - Volcarona - Volcano - Voluca Illumina Spot - Enter the final room and remove the flames from both Volcarona using Fluffruit. Hit both with Illumina Orbs. Capture them when they hover over one of the Crystablooms together.
That’s every 4-Star interaction for each Pokemon on Voluca and Maricopia Islands. If you’re looking for more interactions, be sure to check out the interactions for Florio and Belusylva Islands, and our Durice and Aurus Islands guide is coming soon. For more on New Pokemon Snap, check out our other guides.
