New Girl is a charming sitcom following an awkward but kind-hearted girl named Jess (Zoey Deschanel) who moves in with three male roommates. Like most sitcoms about 30-something singles, the series sees a lot of love interests come and go over its seven seasons.

While much of the focus is put on Jess’ dating life, the boys have their share of girlfriends throughout the series. Some of these relationships were short-lived flings while others proved to be genuinely meaningful relationships that stood the test of time.


Schmidt is a man who is drawn to success, so maybe it’s not too surprising he ended up with a woman like Fawn Moscato. Fawn is a councilwoman who Schmidt instantly falls for. She is direct and controlling but seems to actually care about Schmidt, even if it might not be good for her career.

As it eventually turns out, Fawn’s career is always her first priority. She gradually manipulates Schmidt and uses their relationship as a means to achieve her political goals. If she had it her way, their relationship would have gone much further, but Schmidt finally realizes that’s not the kind of relationship he wants.


Despite dating plenty of beautiful women, Nick Miller does not have a lot of confidence with women. So when Angie, an adventurous and impulsive stripper, arrives in his life, he is immediately intimidated by her.

As they begin to date and get more serious, Angie is able to show Nick the fun that can be had if you live in the moment and not worry about embarrassing yourself. Sadly, she also decides to seduce Jess’ boyfriend, so that put an end to their fun.


Winston Bishop is a really strange guy. The most serious relationship in his life is with his beloved cat, Furguson. The fact that he could even get a girl like Daisy is surprising, but perhaps it’s no surprise they met while she tried to help him learn how to talk to girls.

The two shared a short whirlwind romance together which was strained thanks to their different schedules. They seemed to like each other and have genuine fun together, but things ended when he discovers she is cheating on him. But in a happy ending, he takes her cat Furguson for himself.


When we meet Nick in the series, he is still a shattered man from his previous bad relationship with his girlfriend Caroline. Julia is the first serious relationship Nick gets into following that heartbreak and it proves to be a pretty worthwhile one.

Julia is an incredibly smart lawyer who is also hiding some anger management issues. After taking things causal for a while, she tells Nick she wants them to have a real relationship. Though the two eventually drift apart, she was a sweet and pretty stable love interest for Nick when he needed one.


The Schmidt who is introduced in the show is a confident, fit, good-looking professional, but we soon find out that he used to be a very different person. In flashbacks, we see Schmidt in college as an overweight and awkward guy who was nonetheless happy with his girlfriend Elizabeth.

When Elizabeth comes back into Schmidt’s life, he first acts like he is too good for her, before remembering how much fun they had together. As they rekindle their romance, she helps him reconnect with the sweeter side of himself that she used to know.


Coach is sort of a recurring main character on the show having joined and left the show several times. When he is on the show, he proves to be similar to Schmidt when it comes to ladies, as he pretends to be confident but is really quite insecure.

When Coach meets May, he seems to have found a relationship he feels genuinely comfortable in. He drops the ultra-macho act and behaves more like himself. When May announces she is moving, it looks like a heartbreaking end for Coach but he eventually decides to move with her and stay together.


Winston seemed to have as much trouble finding a suitable career as he did finding a suitable partner. So it makes perfect sense that the two would align themselves together for him.

As he begins his dream job as a cop, he is partnered with Aly, a small but tough policewoman who puts up with Winston’s annoying quirks. Over time, they fall in love and prove to be the perfect match, eventually settling down and starting a family together.


It’s often awkward when a show tries to add in a replacement character, but the addition of Reagan actually proved to work pretty well. She joins the show when Jess is away on jury duty for an extended period of time. Obviously, Nick wastes no time falling head-over-heels for her.

At first, Reagan is quite resistant to the idea of dating Nick but she soon falls for his “charm”. While we knew it was never going to last, the two have pretty good chemistry together. For a short-lived and shoe-horned romance, it was very effective.


From the moment Schmidt laid eyes on Jess’ beautiful friend Cece it was lust at first sight. Given that Schmidt isn’t always the most romantic person alive, it took him a while to fall in love with Cece beyond her physical appearance. To her great surprise, Cece fell for him as well.

Their relationship was on-and-off for many years, each pursuing other romances in between. But we always knew they would come back to each other eventually. They seemed destined to be together and it was great to see them get their happy ending.


Being that she is the main character of the show, it makes sense that the show sold Jess as the ultimate love interest for one of the guys. As it turns out, it was Nick which makes perfect sense. Their romance had been teased for a long-time person they got together, but they always seemed like the perfect match.

Jess’ super energetic and organized personality seemed to greatly clash with Nick’s laidback and lazy approach to life. But like any great couple, they helped each other improve while also allowing each other to be their own weird selves. It might not be the most sophisticated romance, but it works.