We start off with what seems to be a running theme in the two trailers that have been released so far. Dead crabs washed up in a soaked riverbed, complete with puddles of that dark, ink-like substance that seems to be pretty much everywhere. We are then introduced to a scene more reminiscent of a World War II movie; Fighter planes streak through the sky, a tank covered in a corpse of what appears to be a squid and a skeletal arm, and soldiers marching in formation behind.

Mads Mikkelsen (of Hannibal fame), apparently the leader of a squad of these troops we see in the beginning of the trailer; Acts the opposite of who appears to be Guillermo del Toro, who is holding a baby in a strangely similar way to Norman Reedus in the first trailer. 

The soldiers, seemingly supernatural elements, and a sprinkling of horror are the recipe for a mysterious and thought provoking trailer by Kojima and his team at Kojima Productions.

But what do you think of the trailer? Let us know in the comments below!