They are twins caught in the beautiful, though sometimes cruel, world of Jäan, one split between magic and technology.
Dark Envoy has a non-linear story, and its world constantly shifts as you play through the game. No decision is without weight, whether it’s an important story moment between major characters or a line of dialog telling you simply where to go next.
The game also features real-time combat, a solo or full co op campaign, a wealth of companions that could potentially join you on your journey, and a deeply robust RPG system for complex and strategic gameplay. On top of all that, there will be four primary classes to choose from, with “16 specializations” adding to the unique quality of each build.
Dark Envoy is Event Horizon’s second major release; their first is Tower of Time, which is available on all consoles and PC. This adventure into a diametric world is planned for release sometime in 2022, and will currently launch for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, though that could change between now and launch. Stay tuned for more.