Like a tattoo you might have gotten yourself on a drunk night out with friends, a Driver’s License picture is all but permanent and will haunt you for the rest of your miserable life. However, it seems that despite all the negative press the government gets for not doing its job, it has decided to take this very urgent and most significant of problems up to the California State Senate for a vote. Yes, people, there is a distinct possibility that you could look good in a Driver’s License picture!!

What Is The Existing System?

As per the current system, every individual who goes in for a driver’s license is subject to a single picture at the DMV – Department of Motor Vehicles. It is nobody’s fault that after waiting hours in a crowded queue, they don’t end up looking like themselves let alone their best. This combined with poor lighting and an untimely sneeze could ruin your one shot at the picture, hence validating the need for this alternative.

So What Is In The Works?

In February 2020 just as the Pandemic began rolling out, the government namely Assemblyman Philip Chen proposed a plan that would allow each individual the option to take three pictures each, and choose from. Later in February of this year, Senator Josh Newman proposed SB 1407, a similar bill for the State Senate and General house to vote on for the State of California. It is however important to note that a similar law was proposed back in 2018 as well but failed to materialize.

The option comes with a payment of $5 per person which would go into the Driver’s Education courses for every additional picture above the designated three. Furthermore, potential applicants will also be allowed to bring pictures taken before the visit. However, these images need to adhere to the specifications set forth by the DMV and must not be filtered or tampered with otherwise. This ability extended by the new bill, however, will attract an additional fee that is yet to be disclosed by the concerned authorities. The bill is also set to introduce a mechanism by which the applicants can visit state-approved photography centers to take pictures before the application. This way the applicant need not worry about any guidelines but rather just show up and look pretty.

What Is The Purpose?

Of Course, we can’t all believe that this was a bill introduced purely to alleviate the pain of embarrassing pictures. This bill has its sights set on a much more policy-oriented front. With driver and pedestrian safety a matter of public interest, it is only logical that the finances extracted from this “Vanity Project” be used in turn to fund courses that ensured this safety. Funds, therefore, collected across the state of California will amount to a sizable amount that can then be donated for this cause.


While this may not yet help you look like a Gigi Hadid or a Micheal B Jordan, it will nonetheless make you look a whole lot better than you would have, before the bill was passed. With a three-strike rule, you are now the captain of your soul and the master of your fate. And with the ability to take even more pictures at a small fee, you can spoil yourself with choices. No more “Deer in headlights” or “Sleepy Steve” look for all you aspiring Americans. And no more embarrassment while submitting your license for official purposes. And finally, whenever is the next time you get pulled over for speeding or a DUI, you can whip out that card with confidence. 

Has the bill Been passed?

There is no clear indication whether the bill has indeed been passed but it is worth noting that a week after the proposal of the bill in February, it had gained a majority vote with the California State Senate Transportation Committee.

Was this bill proposed only for the state of California?

Yes, the bill proposed under SB 1407 is specifically catered to the people under the jurisdiction of the State of California, however other states have and will subsequently follow suit.