This comes after it was claimed that IVD and his late spouse, Airhead, housed a medical caretaker and burdened her with the sole liability of infusing them with hard and controlled drugs.

As per blogger, Cuttie_Julls, IVD and late Airhead were so connected with hard medications that they needed to house the attendant.

Sweetie Julls composed;

“Satisfy there is a quack medical caretaker that lived with IVD and his significant other. If it’s not too much trouble, sympathetically get the police to capture her. I detailed her previously and Airhead almost dropped out with me. Sadly the Lagos police didn’t capture when I originally detailed her cuz as expected they were requesting that I produce some senseless proof rather than them to go to the house and capture her. She used to infuse them with different types and when they awaken, it’s frenzy.”

“I was of the view she had quit going to their home after I thre#tended her with the police. In any case, days prior when I talked with Tasha, she uncovered she likewise is familiar with the medical caretaker. She additionally said the enslavement has become so high that the attendant had moved in and is living with the now-late Airhead and her better half.

My dear Nigerians, I don’t have a clue about this medical caretaker’s name or everything except I realize there is a quack medical caretaker regulating high portion of controlled drugs and different substances into the circulatory system of this couple with next to no solution which I answered to the police.”

“She additionally supplies them with needles to do numerous kinds. Why the police didn’t secure her in Ikoyi or Yaba, I don’t have the foggiest idea. 🤦‍♀️ Satisfy I trust the web to assist us with capturing this secret lady. From what Tasha said, after I called police on the said nurture, they really moved the attendant into their home to conceal there and giving them more. Airhead! IVD! 😭😭😭💔💔😭. Well they deceived me . Nigerians if it’s not too much trouble, we should assist with unwinding this medical caretaker. She clearly exploited their weakness, blackmail them and continued to take care of their evil presences [drugs].”

Netizens recommend IVD needs mental assistance

Responding to this stunning disclosure, Nigerian online entertainment clients have propose that IVD be shipped off a psychological clinic (Yaba) and not police headquarters.

Blucc_apparels expressed, “IVD ought to be in yaba not police headquarters.. the franticness didn’t begin Today”

One Abiodun answered, “I must choose between limited options than to concur with you… ..see individuals that lived among others gracious. Lord have mercy on this country, in their high state consider the possibility that they hurt somebody. Nawa goodness”

— Abé Saidi (@babaigbaja) October 11, 2022

One Chiforshort_ stated, “hello moved in a medical caretaker that infuses them with a wide range of controlled substances in a house where they resided with their kids????? I don’t have the foggiest idea what you all discussing yet the thing we ought to do presently is approaching Lagos state kid administrations to go remove those guiltless children from them😢 those two were super gravely acted and flippant guardians, they don’t merit those children. Right now those children are my main concern. Just God understand what those children most have been seeing haaaaa”

One Msdimmy_ expressed, “As of now, the public authority or their families ought to simply remove their children for the present… discharge IVD bcs he obviously didn’t kill his better half, what he really wants is a mental assessment and recovery. God willing, he can tell the truth and deal with his children ie assuming he has gained from this entire extraordinary experience!!”