After players started buzzing about his comment, Goodman added a followup message to assure everyone that McCree’s flashbang/fan-the-hammer combo would not disappear entirely. “By saying ‘its probably a bit too good at dealing damage to higher health targets’ I mean his flash/fan combo, not the flash itself. Fan is more likely to see changes than flash at this point.”

Like any new shooter that’s focused on multiplayer, Overwatch will have some updates that may shift the stats a bit. These changes come on the tails of numerous player complaints that McCree is just ’too powerful’ in specific scenarios, but he’s not the only character getting tweaked. In response to concerns that D. Va’s damage is just too weak, Goodman wrote in another thread, “There was a time, when she was first implemented, where she had more damage than she does now. The way that played out is that she would fly into someone’s face, destroy them, and fly away. There was little that person could do because [of] her mobility. As I said I think she can use some help in other areas, but I don’t have anything concrete yet. The goal is that she should be a viable aggressive initiation tank, much like Winston can be right now, rather than some sort of beefy flying assassin. So any changes will likely be helping her in that direction.” 

There’s no word yet on when these changes will arrive, but it sounds like we can expect them sooner rather than later.