If caught driving without a seatbelt in NC, you will be issued a ticket insurance with two points. Points on your record may raise your insurance rates. The good news is that you may avoid these points by just wearing a seatbelt.

Seat belt Ticket And Insurance Points

A driver found guilty of not wearing a seat belt may be fined and is given seat belt ticket and insurance points. The points add to the driver’s insurance premium and can increase the premium. The points reflect on the driver’s record for three years.

What Can You Do to Avoid degradation on your Seatbelt Ticket And Insurance Points on Your License? 

You can do a few things to keep your driving record clean.

First, be a safe and cautious driver.  Obey all traffic laws. Avoid risky behaviours like speeding or driving under the influence.  Also, take defensive driving courses or participate in driver safety programs. These can help you improve your skills and make you a safer driver. Finally, keep a clean driving record. Traffic offences and accidents increase your chances of receiving license points.

Penalties For Seat Belt Tickets

Seat belt tickets vary by region. Sometimes, the penalty may include:

A fine of $25Taking a driver safety course. License points. Higher insurance rates. A license suspension.  

If you are ticketed for not wearing a seat belt, check the laws in your region, so you know what to expect.

Cost Of an Nc Seat Belt Ticket

According to the North Carolina Department of Transportation, an NC seat belt ticket costs $25. This cost is the primary penalty for the offence, although additional charges may add up, and that includes: 

court costs. Processing fees and other associated costs.  

Nevertheless, you can reduce the cost of an NC seatbelt ticket in a few ways.

You need to pay for the ticket within 14 days after receipt. This halves the fine. Taking a defensive driving course is another option. It can reduce the fine by 50%. Finally, you can choose to contest the ticket in court.

Should You Pay Your NC Seat Belt Ticket or Challenge It?

If you are charged with a seatbelt breach, you can:

Pay the ticket Take the case to court.

If you choose to pay the ticket, you will pay the fine amount listed on the ticket, and it will affect your driving record. You will also incur higher insurance premiums. If you decide to challenge the ticket in court, you must attend a hearing and bring evidence to support your case. If you win, the ticket will not read on your records.

If you lose, the ticket will be on your driving record, and you must pay the fee. Additionally, the court may levy costs. This option is risky, as you may end up having to pay the total cost of the ticket if you are unsuccessful.

Seat Belt Ticket and Insurance

Most insurance companies will not raise your rates if you get a seat belt ticket. However, some companies may view a seat belt violation as a sign of risky driving behaviour and raise your rates accordingly.

Assume you are worried about how a seat belt violation may affect your insurance. In this situation, call your insurance agency.

Other Insurance-Rating Determinants

Type of vehicleYour driving recordsExceeding speed limitsDriving without insuranceAccidentsDrunk driving


Always wear your seat belt. Driving without a seat belt can get you in trouble with the police and cost you more than just a fine. A police officer pulling you over for failing to wear a seat belt could lead to other offences such as reckless driving or speeding. Additional violations may boost insurance costs, costing you even more than a single traffic ticket. Always make sure that everyone in your car is buckled; it benefits your and your family’s safety.

What happens if you drive in North Carolina without a seatbelt?

$25 fine and two insurance points added. 

What’s the duration of the insurance points? 

There will be a record of your points for three years. 

How will my insurance rates change if I get record points?

 Your premiums will rise.

What if you are in a situation where I cannot fasten my seatbelt? 

If you have a good reason for not being able to fasten your seatbelt, you may be able to get the ticket dismissed. As an example, you may not be able to wear a seatbelt if you are pregnant or have health issues.